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What Is Constipation In Cats?

What Is Constipation In Cats?

Though feline constipation is usually a short-term problem, prolonged constipation, if left untreated, can escalate to obstipation, causing your furry considerable pain while pooping. So, as cat parents, it falls on you to help your kitty find relief in these times of need. This article provides a brief overview of constipation in cats and the home remedies and constipation for cats treatment that can offer quick relief.

Symptoms of Constipation in Cats

  1. No faecal production while attempting to poop

    Constipation causes a blockage in the intestinal canal, preventing any faecal production while attempting to poop.

  2. Frequent visits to the litter box

    Cats might try to forcefully poop and relieve their uneasiness, resulting in frequent visits to the litter box.

  3. Vomiting

    Constipation can cause other gastrointestinal difficulties such as nausea, indigestion, and vomiting.

  4. Decreased appetite

    The feeling of being plugged up can cause discomfort to furries resulting in a decreased appetite.

  5. Abdominal pain

    Abdominal pain is one of the most prominent symptoms of a constipated cat.

  6. Decreased energy

    Constipation in cats can lead to uneasiness resulting in decreased energy in your kitty.

  7. Decreased interest in interacting with family

    Being constipated can take a toll on your feline, preventing them to be enthusiastic in interacting with their loved ones.

What Causes Constipation in Cats?

  1. Hairballs

    An accumulation of hairballs can lead to a blockage in the digestive system of cats, causing your kitty to show the symptoms of a constipated cat.

  2. Lack of fibre in the diet

    A lack of fibre in your cat’s diet can result in constipation. Adding more vegetable fibre to the diet can be an easy fix for a constipated cat.

  3. Dehydration

    Dehydration lowers the moisture content in the faecal matter, disrupting bowel movements and causing constipation.

  4. Obesity and/or lack of exercise

    Rapidly gaining weight results in an accumulation of fat in your feline’s body, which can put significant pressure, partially or completely blocking the intestinal passage and resulting in constipation in cats.

  5. Pelvic injury

    Symptoms of a constipated cat can also appear if your furry feline buddy has recently experienced a pelvic injury. A pelvic injury may cause discomfort and pain, forcing your kitty to avoid going to the litter box to poop. A build-up of faecal matter in such situations can also lead to constipation in cats.

Treatment for Cat Constipation

The treatment of feline constipation is dependent on the severity. In case the home remedies do not yield the desirable results, consulting professional healthcare can be extremely helpful, since prolonged constipation, if left untreated can lead to megacolon, which might need surgical treatment. Megacolon is generally treated by surgically removing the obstructing faeces from the intestinal cavity. So, to avoid such cases, it is important to be attentive to what might be causing constipation in your kitty, and changing diet to low or high-fibre food if necessary.

It must be kept in mind that feline constipation is one of the most common health ailments faced by cats that do not always warrant professional intervention. In fact, most cats face constipation from time to time, but are fine within a couple of days with home remedies. So, unless you suspect severe case of feline constipation, there is no need for over-the-counter medication.

At-Home Measures to Treat Constipation in Cats

  1. Increase hydration

    For a constipated cat you can try out several home remedy for cat constipation for a quick solution. Increasing the water intake is an excellent way that helps clear out faecal blockages.

  2. More physical exercise

    Physical exercise has been proven an effective way of inducing bowel movements in a constipated cat. Being physically active also reduces the chances of constipation in cats.

  3. Improve fibre intake

    Fibre is an effective constipation for cats treatment as it acts as roughage that can help clear out constipation. So, increased fibre intake is a remedy for constipated cats.

  4. Minimise stress

    Since stress is a major causative factor for constipation in cat, minimising stress for your feline furball can reduce constipation and positively benefit a constipated cat.

  5. Maintain healthy weight

    Obesity is also a leading cause of constipation in felines, so maintaining healthy body weight is crucial in avoiding the risks of constipation in cats.


  • What do you give a cat for constipation?

    Knowing about and implementing the popular home remedy for cat constipation such as offering a fibre-rich diet to a constipated cat, ensuring they drink enough, and exercise, can go a long way as effective home remedy for cat constipation.

  • How can you tell if a cat is constipated?

    The symptoms of a constipated cat to look out for in your royal furry that can inform you of a constipated cat include - decreased appetite, lethargy, frequent visits to the litter box, and inability to produce faecal matter.

  • Should I be worried if my cat is constipated?

    Although cat constipation is not a serious health concern that might cause you to feel worried, cat constipation can be uncomfortable for your feline. Instead of worrying, you can try out some at-home constipation for cats treatment to relieve their uneasiness.

  • Will cat constipation go away?

    Cat constipation is not always a worrying health concern that requires a veterinary visit. Increasing your furry feline’s water and fibre intake, minimising their stress and encouraging them to participate in physical exercises can usually make feline constipation go away.

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